کتاب Implant Restorations؛ A Step-by-Step Guide
معرفی کتاب Implant Restorations؛ A Step-by-Step Guide
A Step‐by‐Step Guide was published in 1997; over 20 years later this textbook is more relevant than ever. Dr. Drago has drawn upon his scientific knowledge and private practice and clinical experiences to compile a how‐to guide supported by the best available and contemporary research. Mentored by some of the best dental practitioners and educators, Dr. Drago undoubtedly heeded some of the advice shared with him. I am certain that giving back to the profession was one of them and his many contributions are exemplified by the vast number of professional presentations given by him and the volume of scientific literature bearing his name. As an academician, Dr. Drago has supported the education and training of dental students and residents for over 40 years. His interactions with residents and patients are exact and considerate, coming from the perspective of an experienced private practitioner, educator, and researcher with a comprehensive understanding of the contemporary literature.
One criterion that is essential before any presentation can be called great, whatever the format, is the ability of the presenter to incrementally introduce knowledge so that even the neophyte can understand the conclusion. In this text, Dr. Drago has done that while taking great care to reproduce his stepwise approach to care found in previous editions and for many clinical scenarios. One of the hallmarks of this fourth edition is a digital approach to restorative care. From chairside scanning to Cone Beam Computerized Tomography, this textbook examines diagnosis and treatment planning options while incorporating the latest technologies. Furthermore, this text prepares the practitioner for an interdisciplinary or a single office approach to implant restorative dentistry. This textbook reflects the experiences of a greathearted, knowledgeable, and skilled clinician and is presented in a contemporary format that is understandable to restorative dentists at every level. Certainly, writing this foreword was a thrilling endeavor for me. I am very humbled and proud for the privilege
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