کتاب The Poetics of Prose
معرفی کتاب The Poetics of Prose
The book The Poetics of Prose answers to the needs of having a fresh and thoroughly multidimensional look at the poetics of prose in English. Not only does the current generation of students demand contextual recency and textual freshness, but they also need the text to be relatable in terms of academic values and socio-cultural significance. For instance, global warming, Neuroscience fiction, Generation Z also known as The Internet Generation, hyper reality, digital humanities, The Cloud, e-Book culture, to name but a few, emerge as some of the most seemingly fluid subjects that appeal to the younger generation.
The proposed book improves upon the very imperfections implicit in other textbooks, specially their lack of recency and limited academic reciprocity. The book strives toward an academic end product which is at once pedagogically interactive and conceptually appealing. The multifaceted layout of the book allows for instructors to maintain an intellectually stimulating yet at the same time pleasant discussion and appreciation of the significance and development of prose in their classrooms. The categorical division of each chapter too enables students to have a broader understanding of not only the depth and breadth of literature written in plain, simple prose but also various structures, forms and historical backgrounds. The book, to this end, has been structured around six headings, each of which includes topical reading materials. In addition to such form-oriented classification, this book provides students with a broad outlook vis-àvis the stylistic and thematic differences between ‘fiction’ and ‘non-fiction’, complemented with an exemplary text.
Each unit is accompanied by interactive sections, namely, ‘Definition of the Term’, ‘The World of Words’, ‘Remembering the Technique’, ‘Author’s Craft’, and ‘Discussion’. These sections provide students with a deeper insight into literature and literary writing and at once improve their analytical vigor by posing various yet feasible tasks as well as organized questions.
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