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کتاب The Winter Soldier

نویسنده:دانیل میسن
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معرفی کتاب The Winter Soldier

The Winter Soldier is a 2018 historical novel written by Daniel Mason. Set in 1914 Vienna, it tells the story of Lucius, a 22-year-old medical student, and a field hospital nurse following the outbreak of World War I. The novel focuses on themes including war, historical medical practices, family, and the role of chance in the formation of relationships, history and penance. It also describes the origins and early treatment of what Mason describes as "a new disease, born of the war", post traumatic stress disorder

Since the book's release Mason has stated that the book's title refers to both the character of Horvath and the main character Lucius, remarking “Even though the diagnostic mystery is Horvath, my interest is in who Lucius is. The title refers to both of them. But the real winter soldier is the doctor and the real investigation is of his trauma and regret

Set during World War I, the book follows Lucius, a medical student and son of wealthy parents. Disappointed that their son did not choose a more illustrious career, they are pleased when war breaks out and Lucius enlists in the military, expecting that he will redeem himself to them via battle. For his part, Lucius chooses to enlist because the war had been romanticized to him and his college offered early graduation for anyone willing to enlist. Lucius is surprised when he receives a position at a poorly staffed and equipped field hospital located in a church in the Carpathian Mountains, as this was the opposite of what he was expecting. He also finds that he is the outpost's only physician and that the other doctors abandoned their post, leaving only Sister Margarete to care for the outpost, which is stricken by typhus. Lucius is somewhat ill-equipped to care for his new charges, as his prior patients had only relatively minor issues and most of his knowledge came from book learning rather than practical experience. Determined to make the best of things, Lucius begins his work. The Sister is willing to help teach Lucius, who begins to grow attached to both her and the others in the hospital...

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تعداد صفحه‌ها

۲۵۲ صفحه


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تعداد صفحه‌ها

۲۵۲ صفحه
