دانلود و خرید کتاب Babiyyah Movement, in Perspective of Neurotheology علی‌‌اكبر ضيايی
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کتاب Babiyyah Movement, in Perspective of Neurotheology

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کتاب Babiyyah Movement, in Perspective of Neurotheology نوشته علی اکبر ضیایی است. این کتاب به تاریخ بابیت از دیدگاه علم اعصاب می‌پردازد.

درباره کتاب Babiyyah Movement, in Perspective of Neurotheology

 Distinguishing a religious authentic and genuine experience from a non-genuine one based on the variety of different religions in the world is one of the major challenges of this century to deal with those who suffer from paranoid schizophrenia in religious themes, and here again is the theology that can play a role, remove dust from its face and help people suffering from hallucinations and delusions. Reviewing the published medical studies reveals that only very few studies have been undertaken using modern behavioral neurology and neurological psychology (Neuropsychology) on patients with psychotic symptoms and religious experiences. It seems that it is the time to test clinically those who have non-genuine religious experience of fictitious religions, fraudulent and false Sufism or mystical tendencies with non-religious austerity to not only indicate them the true religious teachings and legitimate paths to achieve genuine religious by the scribes, but also to treat psychotic patients medically and through behavioral neurology and neurology psychology (Neuropsychology).

The author has to point out the restrictions in identifying non-genuine and authentic experiences and the necessity of teaching people with psychotic disorders, showing that they can play a positive role in society with a better understanding of their mental states. Among other benefits of this work, one can refer to the readers’ familiarity with psychotic disorders associated with religious issues and the quality of fake religions appearance and their spread among people. The reader should know that if the social and cultural conditions for the development of another religion (such as Bahaism and Babism) are also provided, the near future will witness the advent of self-made religions that will certainly have fans among people and will cause some challenges for the people of their time. In addition, Islamic theology and philosophy should be once again brought into existence and assist the neuroscientists together with neurotheology to help the believers in the quality of correct dealing with religions whose advent has been formed on the basis of schizophrenia; because as already mentioned, the newly emerged neurotheology science without wisdom will be a dangerous tool and a religious approach to pull down religion, and people uninterested in spirituality and attracted in the physical world will believe in the words of fake prophets as the divine words without any divine teachings to move in the path of human growth, development and excellence. According to the reasons going to be explained in the next sections, Seyyed Ali Muhammad Shirazi, known as Bab, would likely suffer from some disorders called schizophrenia and perhaps epilepsy. One of his close friends called Mulla Hossien Bushru’i known as Bab al-Bab, who had the symptoms of the disease similar to what Bab was suffering from, played a major role in the advent of Babism religion. The next chapters are going to elaborate this point that if this man had not met Bab, perhaps Bab would have found his problem out and continue to promote the Shaykhiyyah ideas. But as Mulla Hussien was fascinated with Bab’s words, Bab stopped his emotional isolation. Linking the words called delirium in psychology with his previous illusions in dreams, he assumed them as the pure truth, i.e., the divine revelation, and he gathered some followers around himself to shape a newly emerged religion as Bahaism and Babism, now with thousands of fans around the world. In this study, some features of Bab’s behavior in dealing with others, and the quality of clerical garments will be mentioned as all had an impact on his acceptance by the people of that era. In dealing with psychotic patients, one can operate in different ways: to write books based on wisdom and religious law and express the doctrine deviations of those patients. Of course, words of wisdom and revelation directly from God's angels are not useful for anyone who has been affected by schizophrenia, so neither threatening/ encouraging, nor writing books and giving speeches do not work and we should seek for their treatment using religious psychological science. Previous methods of combating them as an invitation to cursing, debate or punishment have not had the desired results and even they have added many individual psychotic disorders. That is why Bab was led to mental problem after passing several days in prisons and being under social pressures; whose words were full of wisdom and discrimination based on the Shaykhiyyah Sect and whose works at the beginning had a clear framework the same as other books written by Shaykhiyyah Sect suffered from many intellectual problems due to these mental and emotional stresses. He called his confusing words as the divine revelations and verses; he assumed all his findings and memories of the verses in fragmented and discontinuous forms with syntactic errors as the divine revelations that should be considered not equal to the Quran but in some cases better than this holy book. The next chapters are going to mention that the political, social and religious situations in Bab’s period were in such a way that a simple and the treatable psychotic disorder appeared as a novel problem due to an event when Bab met Mulla Hossien Bushru’i who was suffering from psychotic disorders and the seduction was set in a new way that the religious communities had previously been involved in. A precise study of the development of such a ritual reminds us that first one should base his religious belief on ‘Aql and Naql; and then if he gets hallucinations or delusions due to schizophrenia disorders, he should do two things simultaneously: to visit a doctor for treatment and at the same time to refer to the Quran and hadith Ahal al-bait (PBUH) and consult with the religious scholars to treat himself. Of course, the relatives of such a person could also play an important role in his mental health. Because suggesting such a person that he enjoys the grace of God and his metaphysical supplies instead of being led to a right path, and then inviting other individuals to obtain that man’s intercession or be treated by his divine power, then it will be difficult to treat that psychotic patient.

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۱٫۸ مگابایت

سال انتشار


تعداد صفحه‌ها

۱۰۱ صفحه


۱٫۸ مگابایت

سال انتشار


تعداد صفحه‌ها

۱۰۱ صفحه
