دانلود و خرید کتاب First International Conference on Laboratory Phonetics and Phonology
با کد تخفیف OFF30 اولین کتاب الکترونیکی یا صوتی‌ات را با ۳۰٪ تخفیف از طاقچه دریافت کن.
تصویر جلد کتاب First International Conference on  Laboratory Phonetics and Phonology

کتاب First International Conference on Laboratory Phonetics and Phonology

امتیاز:بدون نظر

معرفی کتاب First International Conference on Laboratory Phonetics and Phonology

The present conference proceedings volume contains the written versions of the selected papers presented orally or by poster during the first International Conference on Laboratory Phonetics and Phonology (ICLPP) held on 14-15 November 2018 in Tehran, Iran. The conference which was organized by Linguistics department at Alzahra University provided a forum for discussing recent developments in a wide variety of topics including acoustic phonetics, forensic phonetics, experimental clinical phonetics, analysis of speech and audio signal and so many other exciting issues related to laboratory phonetics and phonology. The primary focus of this conference was to encourage regional and international collaboration to bring prominent scholars, researchers and scientists from the related areas together to provide a platform for discussion and sharing their ideas.
نظری برای کتاب ثبت نشده است


۳٫۶ مگابایت

سال انتشار


تعداد صفحه‌ها

۱۳۶ صفحه


۳٫۶ مگابایت

سال انتشار


تعداد صفحه‌ها

۱۳۶ صفحه
