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کتاب Religious Extremism

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کتاب Religious Extremism نوشتهٔ علی‌‌اکبر ضیایی در انتشارات بین المللی امین چاپ شده است. این کتاب با عنوان فرعی Jama'ah Islamiyyah, al-Qaedah and ISIS به بیان جزئیاتی دربارهٔ گروه‌های تروریستی القاعده و داعش می‌پردازد.

درباره کتاب Religious Extremism

Three religious, political and military phenomena of Wahhabism, the Muslim Brotherhood and ISIS have been recently linked to each other in such a complex way that it is difficult to separate one from another. It seems that these three movements have acted in one direction, in various forms and with different roles over the years so far. The religious movement of Muhammad Ibn Abdul Wahhab before any connection with the policy of King Abdulaziz, was known as a religious reformist movement or a "revision" in its era. And perhaps it could be said that someone like Mohammed Rashid Bin Mohammed Bin Ali Reza Qalmuni, the owner of Al-Manar magazine, has significantly affected Hassan al Bana’s opinion, the Muslim Brotherhood founder. Rashid Reza is the most famous character of the movement known as the Salafiyah. He has always appreciated Muhammad Ibn Abdul Wahhab, the founder of the Wahhabism sect, and has known him as a revisionist and reformer of his era. Thus, it is seen that the Wahhabism religious movement, before getting any political attitudes from the Saudi leaders, could have a profound impact on the Muslim Brotherhood. Also, the differences in the political scene of Egypt and Saudi Arabia in recent years had more political implications, and intellectually deep ties have been existed between these two streams of thought. But over the time, the Muslim Brotherhood gained a new independent identity of Wahhabism that will be discussed in next parts of this chapter. ISIS; however, cannot be considered as a direct product of Wahhabism, rather the same role Wahhabism has played to shape the Muslim Brotherhood in the history, the Muslim Brotherhood has played in shaping ISIS. But as there are substantial differences between Wahhabism, Salafism and the Muslim Brotherhood, there are also differences between ISIS and the Muslim Brotherhood. So in answer to this question that with which event ISIS religious legitimacy has been linked, it must be said that at the outset the Muslim Brotherhood has played a greater role in the development of intellectual and religious legitimacy than Wahhabism; however, Wahhabism in its original form, beyond the political scope of Al-e-Saud, has involved in the formation of the Muslim Brotherhood in terms of a Salafi movement. With the alliance of more than forty countries, including America and Saudi Arabia against ISIS, most of the criticisms have been against Wahhabism in organizing ISIS and prior to that against the al-Qaeda, and less attention has been paid to the role of the Muslim Brotherhood. Wahhabism was a religious phenomenon rooted in ideas of Salafi persons like Ibn Rajab Hanbali, Ibn Qudamah, Ibn Taymiyyah and even the law jurist Ibn Abi al-Eizz al-Damishgi and has been considered a purely religious movement before binding with Aal Saud. But by the presence of King Abdul Aziz, this religious movement was at the forefront of advertising programs of the government so that Wahhabism was linked with the purposes and aims of the Aal Saud and has been used as a military tool for the government but not a secret organization in the past centuries rather than a merely religious movement. This military movement of Wahhabism continued up to 1929 i.e., King Abdulaziz victory over the rebellion of “Ikhawan Man ata' Allah” army. This army assisted the kingdom of Saudi Arabia, King Abdulaziz, during 1924-1925 and the Hijaz Hashemi was renamed to Saudi Arabia. The troops of “Ikhawan Man ata' Allah” wanted to continue their conquest in Iraq as a jihad for Allah and to kill the pagans while King Abdulaziz forbade them to attack the tribes of Najd and Iraq, but the “Ikhawan Man ata' Allah” army with the leadership of Faisal bin Sultan Duwaish, Sultan bin Bajad and Zidan Bin Haslin decided to continue to fight in the Hijaz al-Artawiyah region to keep the faith and kill the pagans. In 1929, the army was defeated at the Battle of Rouzah Sabalah and King Abdul Aziz decimated the “Brotherhood” group after benefiting from its militarily helps, a movement witnessed in Egypt and Iraq in recent days. The religious movement of Salafism affected Wahhabism, likewise Wahhabism influenced the Muslim Brotherhood and the later one put an effect on ISIS, but each of these military, political and religious movements have disagreements with each other that I am going to briefly mention here. Wahhabism movement was originated from Salafi, an advocate of Salaf-i-Salih and fights against heresy, so every Wahhabi is a Salafi and not vice versa, as in religions such as Hanbali, Hanafi, Maliki and even Shafi'i (the examples are seen in Malaysia and Indonesia) there is a Salafiyah with a religious identity, but they are not necessarily Wahhabi. The Muslim Brotherhood movement is a political movement with secret organizations, while Salafism and Wahhabism are non-secret religious, intellectual movements, and Wahhabism in its political form does obvious activities sponsored by Saudi Arabia. One of the differences between the Muslim Brotherhood and Wahhabism is the Islamic Caliphate, and the history has witnessed Wahhabis fights against the Ottoman Caliphate, while ISIS and the Muslim Brotherhood agree in shaping the Islamic Caliphate, and Doctor Wajdi Ghanim as one of the religious leaders in the Muslim Brotherhood claims on his Facebook page that the aims of all the fighters is to make an Islamic government and he expresses his regret not to be present in the group of ISIS terrorists in Iraq. Regarding suicide bombing operations, there is also a disagreement between the Wahhabi and the Muslim Brotherhood scholars because the Brotherhood leaders in recent years have introduced these types of operations as legitimate ones while the Wahhabi scholars have disagreed with this practice at least for the sake of keeping up the appearance. Many members of the Muslim Brotherhood have registered with charity organizations belonging to Saudi Arabia in and out of the country, Salafi-Brotherhood thoughts like Ali Tantawi and Mohammed Majzoob as well as Brotherhood-Salafi ones such as Sarwariyah populations related to Mohammad Sarwar Zeinal Abedin have been formed for the unity between Mohammed bin Abdul Wahhab and Siyyid Qutb. To attract young people, ISIS applies tools more compatible with the Muslim Brotherhood slogans such as miracles and dignities, and the help of the divine angels for ISIS terrorists as well as the songs exciting for the young members and seeing a halo and so on. It should be said that Wahhabism does not deny the miracles and dignities or seeing halo. Ibn Taymiyyah in his book, Mukhtasar al Fatawi al-Misriyyah (page 600) suggests that “….. and the Holy Quran, the Sunnah and the Imams of Islam confirm the dignities of God’s Saints, and the Quran has confirmed it in many cases, also the accurate hadith and the frequent sayings of advocates, followers and others have focused on their correctness”; however, such statements are not confirmed by Wahhabism followers, because they believe in the words of Ibn Taymiyyah that Muslims have to follow a direct path but not a dignity. Two of the ISIS terrorists in the north of Halab spoke about their own dignities as saying “The Syrian army uses all the equipment to kill us, and in one case it used the flammable materials but the Lord sent a wind and they got fired”. The second person quoted “The government uses the latest war machines against us, but God puts those machines against our enemies through his miracles". The belief context of the Muslims in East Asia including reveals this fact that Ash'arism religious beliefs associated with Ahl-i-Hadith has provided the base for Salafism influence through communication with Wahhabi scholars, sending students to Saudi Arabia to study religious sciences, sending many students to Egypt and Jordan, as well as accepting thousands of Arab students from this region, also doing extensive economic exchanges of Southeast Asian countries with Saudi Arabia. Due to expansion of biased Salafi ideology amidst the people, rationalism is generally put aside in the area of religion, also teaching philosophy and theology in all schools and science centers is considered as a deviation from the Quran and Sunnah. Deep emotional connections of some Malaysia's Islamic parties and organizations with the Muslim Brotherhood in recent years have been in such a way that the ideological stream dominant over ISIS has been widespread among East Asian Muslims under the influence of the Muslim Brotherhood. Anti-Americanism among the East Asian Muslims is a phenomenon seen at various levels of the society from moderate Parties to extreme parties, the Islamic Party leaders and the public in the region. Also the unity between America and Saudi Arabia as the birthplace of Wahhabism as well as forty other countries to combat against ISIS has made the traditional fans of Saudi Arabia in East Asia to be in a political isolation; in their view Saudi Arabia has been positioned at the forefront of America for fighting with the Islamic fighters with the interpretation of ISIS terrorists. In such circumstances, the Salafism and the Muslim Brotherhood may overtake Wahhabism in the region, increase the risk of ISIS, and reduce the popularity of Saudi Arabia in the region.

کتاب Religious Extremism را به چه کسانی پیشنهاد می‌کنیم

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آموزش کاربردی برنامه‌نویسی یک برنامه‌ی خدماتی/اطلاع‌رسانی در اندروید (به صورت خودآموز و پروژه‌محور)
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زندگی چگونه بود؟
یان لوتن ون زاندن


۱٫۱ مگابایت

سال انتشار


تعداد صفحه‌ها

۷۴ صفحه


۱٫۱ مگابایت

سال انتشار


تعداد صفحه‌ها

۷۴ صفحه
