کتاب My child today creative tomorrow rich
معرفی کتاب My child today creative tomorrow rich
My child today creative tomorrow rich, written by Hamidreza Khazaei talks to parents who have children under the age of seven. Its subject is creativity and innovation.
The author holds the degree of Masters of mechanical engineering and has the experience of analysis and presence in hundreds of small and large manufacturing companies. He is familiar with engineering, graphics, and clip boarding software, and uses them to create text, audio, and video products related to creativity.
Through working and non-working relationships with some foreigners, he has a good overall understanding of cultures. Based on this, his offering in this book and other products includes or covers other points of views as well.
In order to consider the book, there are three chapters ahead. The first chapter is a challenge for initiating creativity.
• Why creativity?
• What role does it play in the life of our child?
• Does it lead to his or her wealth in the future?
A crystal ball will help us, in this chapter, and we will see the future through it. A magic mirror will portray our today and the days before. In this chapter an untold law of Newton is going to be considered. They are followed by the future skill which is going to be fully discussed. At the end, diamond in the rough elevates the value of life.
In the second chapter, we get involved, and begin to sow in the child’s mind. First, we climb a couple of steps to the ground level of the creativity department. Later on, pieces of creative life of the children will be considered over the course of these very first but determinative years of their lives. In the same way that at any age within the mother’s womb a body organ is formed, the creativity skills build piece by piece. In this field good information will be received so that we have a better understanding of our child. Afterwards, creative bombs will help us, so that we can smash the rocks and mountains inside ourselves and reach the gold mines.
The third chapter is a short one, but notable. In order to build any structure, the foundation is necessary. Now if the foundation is feeble or imperfect, it doesn’t tolerate the burden, and the building collapses. In this chapter the foundation is going to be strengthened. Then we can build the tallest skyscrapers on it. Lastly, the final word: either we find out today at the low cost of prevention or tomorrow at the high cost of treatment
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