Reading for Thinking
A Course Book for General English in Iranian Universities
We are thankful to all those who helped and supported us during preparing this book. Thanks are due to the colleagues and staff at Damghan University Publications for their helps in formatting the final draft of the book. Our special thanks go to our families whose support and encouragement go beyond this book, although they were also very understanding when the authors focused on preparing it.
How to read the book
Before reading the text in a lesson, gather some information about the topic of the lesson. Browse the topic on the internet and discuss your obtained information with your classmates.
When reading the text, take notes on the significant points mentioned in the text. Try to draw an outline in order to organize the main ideas of the text in a coherent way.
Look up the meanings of the new words. It is recommended to use monolingual dictionaries such as Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary and Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English. When needed, you can also resort to bilingual dictionaries.
Beware that some words may have more than one meaning. It is important to decide which meaning is suited for the context in which a new word has been used.
Also, check the pronunciation of the new words. You have to become familiar with the phonetic alphabet of your dictionary for correct recognition of the pronunciation of a word.
Evaluate your comprehension of the text by completing the exercises following each text. Check your answers with your classmates and ask your teacher questions when you need help on the words, grammar, and meaning.
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